Daily Taurus Horoscope July 31 (31/07)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

July 31


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

You might feel pressure coming from a certain person to agree to something you have more than one reason to feel hesitant toward. This might also involve you being asked to alter plans made for some time. A need exists to make someone aware of boundaries that suit you presently. Anything youre being asked to do that makes you feel uncomfortable probably has more to do with someone looking out for their own needs than your own.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

A plan or strategy that suits you might not suit someone else, but that shouldnt be your problem. They might feel excluded or as if theyre less of a priority in your world than they feel they should be but could be overlooking how seriously youre taking a plan and why its so important to you. Dont waste valuable effort and time at this stage trying to placate someone who could be putting their own needs first.


summary taurus weekly

Star 10/10

You might feel unsupported or possibly misunderstood where an aspiration close to your heart is concerned. Some might say youre taking the pursuit of a plan too seriously or reacting to a false sense of urgency. Such comments and insights arent helpful, regardless of how well-intended they are. You have a plan that meets specific criteria in your mind. Youre focused on achieving it because of the material and financial benefits it brings. This week, a significant stride gets made where your quest for a greater sense of comfort and security is concerned.


summary taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Progress related to earnings could come in the nick of time and with Venus, working her magic where earned income and material possessions are concerned, coming weeks could bring more than one exciting and reassuring development on the financial front. The 18th is a day to push your luck or see what effort made to enhance your earnings brings you. From the 20th, focus shifts to home and family matters and one development connected with your domestic set-up or a family member could be cause for celebration!


health taurus daily

Star 9/10

Today\s planetary transit requires you do some work you\d rather not do. This feeling will follow you around for a couple of weeks, so you might as well roll up your sleeves and get into it! Your skin may reflect any stress you are feeling these days. Apart from really trying to get enough sleep and fresh air there are other things you can do to help ease the tension. If you shave or apply moisturizer to your face, add a drop of lavender oil to the soap or cream to calm your skin.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

Ask yourself what you need to feel really comfortable in your body. Do you need to be in better physical condition? Do you need to feel stronger, have more flexibility, feel lighter or heavier? The way we live inside our bodies has everything to do with how we treat others and how we let others treat us. Unless we exist in a physical reality to our liking, it is difficult to create the emotional reality that we desire.


health taurus weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos is encouraging you to feast on exotic foods and gourmet delicacies right now. The more your imagination tickles your palate, the happier you\ll be. Oysters and asparagus can be combined to make a dish that has special aphrodisiacal qualities. But do spare a thought for your diet even if the passion is running high!


health taurus monthly

Star 8/10

With Jupiters ongoing positive influence in your sector of wellness, your health and vitality continue to be upbeat. Even if you do have health issues to contend with, you may find that you still feel relatively good. The only issue youll need to watch out for is gaining a little weight. This might occur if you feel under pressure and somewhat overwhelmed at work. However, dont feel like you have to tackle this alone. Joining a group of like-minded people who are also eager to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle can help to keep you on track.


love taurus daily

Star 8/10

Sometimes you too can succumb to the ravages of romance, although in your case you tend to have a more dignified approach. However, even you are more than a little moonstruck today, when you find that your heart is caught up in whirl by a meeting that threatens to overwhelm you. It is best to wait before making any firm commitments. You\ll soon regain a more realistic view.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

There are times when even you become overwhelmed, but what you need to do with the current astral energy is take a certain romantic attachment one step at a time. This person may be trying their hardest to get you to run before you can even walk, trying to push you into something that you are scarcely sure you are ready for. Don\t go more quickly than you are capable of emotionally.


love taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Lucky you! There are a lot of people interested in dating you at the beginning of the week. Even if the feeling isnt mutual, you at least know your dating stock is on the rise. Touch is your favorite sense over the weekend, but try not to move too quickly too soon with someone new. In other words, test the waters slowly first instead of just diving in!


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

You arent attracted to the good guy or girl during the Mars/Pluto opposition on July 2, but whats wrong with being bad once in a while? Youre single, so the choice of whom to date is entirely yours. You dont feel your sexiest during the Mars/Uranus square on July 17, and there could be some awkward physical moments. You cant always control what your body does, so try to make up for it with witty banter. Mercury loves its placement in Virgo, starting on July 25, mostly because it makes the thought process crystal clear. Love isnt easy, but it doesnt have to be complicated.


career taurus daily

Star 9/10

Your vacillating mind won\t get much support from others, so you might as well save your energy trying to get advice from the people around you. You are better off doing your own research in books, magazines, and periodicals. Your answers are there.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

Toward the end of the day, you will finally feel like you are getting the attention and recognition that you deserve. Your hard work is finally paying off and other people are realizing how valuable you really are. You do excellent work and it shows.


career taurus weekly

Star 8/10

You may be feeling a bit sensitive to criticism now. Share work concerns with someone you trust. Serious feedback can be helpful if you take your ego out of the mix. Work hard and stay focused. These are lucky days to apply for a new or better position. Your naturally warm-hearted manner is very attractive. Events may require extra diplomacy in order to deal with difficult or demanding people.


career taurus monthly

Star 9/10

You could wrap up a business trip or legal matter on July 9. Putting this issue to bed will leave you free to pursue a new project that has just appeared on the horizon. Dont be intimidated if you dont have much experience with such an enterprise. If you need an introductory course, your employer will be happy to pay for one. Starting a home-based business is a distinct possibility on July 23. You have a natural instinct for luxury goods. Providing affluent customers with exotic products will be a labor of love. Youll enjoy the challenge of satisfying their sophisticated tastes.



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