Daily Pisces Horoscope July 27 (27/07)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

July 27


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 7/10

It might feel as if unseen forces are working overtime to thwart your every plan and nobody would blame you for feeling frustrated but progress youre trying to make in a particular way is like trying to paddle upstream. Relax and allow conditions to shift in a way that allows you to go with the flow and use momentum to work with you. In a matter of days, you could be viewing a difficult situation more optimistically.


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

You might be overwhelmed with the pace of certain developments but could be overlooking how much they require you to steer them. Without you, they have no direction, and its the way youre integral to progress that is enabling you to control what you feel is at risk of gaining momentum in a way you cant control. You can dictate the pace at which something unfolds now so summon effort and determination, dont nurture doubts or uncertainties.


summary pisces weekly

Star 10/10

Try to take love life advice likely to come your way from a friend or colleague with a pinch of salt. Although youll be able to detect they mean well by trying to draw your attention to something they believe you should be giving consideration to, there are limits to how willing youll be to take all of their comments or suggestions on board. However, ignoring them could encourage them to cross a line further. Be willing to speak up and request politely that they mind their own business.


summary pisces monthly

Star 8/10

Venus has plans to bring a greater sense of peace, harmony and comfort to your home or those with whom your share your abode. Your domestic set-up or relationships with relatives can improve significantly. Tension could rise around the Full Moon on the 9th as you grow weary from someones controlling actions or demands. This might be one association youll accept has run its course. As the month draws to a close, dont resist motivation coming your way to make progress on the career front. Youre closer to a breakthrough than you might believe yourself to be.


health pisces daily

Star 8/10

Wonderful transits are occurring these days to allow for personal growth. Emotional material that has been ignored or repressed may come up. To manage this kind of awakening, it is important to stay physically active so that mental energy does not dominate you. Commiting to some kind of aerobic exercise at least three times a week will help you immeasurably. Drinking a whole lot of water will also help you flush out those toxins - both physically and symbolically.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your creative nature is nurtured by aerobic exercise. Activities such as running, swimming and yoga will strengthen your lungs and enhance the mercurial juices that are your lifeblood. Giving yourself what you need can become a matter of debate if you allow your diet and exercise regimens to go unscheduled. Your mind will strike up a discussion with your \"evil twin\" about what you really need - it can sound like this: \"Chocolate cookies? Running? Chocolate cookies? Running?\" Make a schedule and stick to it.


health pisces weekly

Star 9/10

This is going to be an active time in which you could be particularly busy. Try to pace yourself so you have enough energy for everything you need to do. There should be some fun in there, too. There\s nothing more alluring than a lover with a healthy body and glowing skin. Get yourself primed and ready to go. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and water will help you feel great.


health pisces monthly

Star 9/10

You might be eager to research your options regarding health matters. Insights can come from websites, books on wellness topics, and conversations. But you could also be inspired by example, and this may be one of the reasons why you feel motivated to adopt healthier habits. Pride could be an issue, too, but this month it can work in your favor. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. If youre in love, then feeling completely fabulous can help you beat off any competition. In fact, starting July 20, you may be very motivated to look as dazzling as you can.


love pisces daily

Star 9/10

Rather than state your case, you may be tempted to avoid conflict by hiding behind a barrier of indifference. The astral energy indicates that although this may feel like the less controversial option, it could actually be making matters worse, as the tension will inevitable continue to build. You don\t need to make a big show - you just need to speak honestly and truthfully from the heart.


love pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

People with very dissimilar natures often find each other very attractive, and this may be the case with today\s alignment of the planets. If you are attending a party or other social occasion, you may meet someone with whom you feel an instant rapport. There is something about the pair of you that is both very different and yet also very much the same. Have fun!


love pisces weekly

Star 7/10

One of the perks of being single is that you dont have to check in with your sweetie before you buy something. Take advantage of your solo buying power at the start of the week, and be silently thankful that you can purchase what you want, when you want it! You have a critical eye at weeks end, but being superficial doesnt work to your advantage. You know better than to judge a book by its cover.


love pisces monthly

Star 7/10

A Mercury/Uranus square on July 4 causes unfortunate and unpredictable communication glitches, which can put a major crimp in your dating style. Spellcheck helps, but it isnt infallible. A Venus/Jupiter trine on July 18 allows you to overlook the potential negatives of a romantic situation, which is fine so long as you arent totally blind to all possible outcomes. Being optimistic is good. Being nave isnt. Your emotions are heightened when Venus enters sensitive Cancer on July 26. Avoid co-dependent relationships in which others can take advantage of your nurturing nature.


career pisces daily

Star 10/10

Think of your superiors as your friends and your allies instead of thinking of them as your enemies. It is better to have these people on your side, so do your best to work with them instead of against them. A friendly remark and a smile will go far.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 8/10

Events in the working world are naturally in your favor. Because of this, you stand to gain a great deal. If you are in need of a new job, this is a good time to introduce yourself to potential employers. The impression you make will be a good one.


career pisces weekly

Star 7/10

How do you persuade others to work with and not against you? Accept all forms of criticism and learn to grow from it. Be ready to help superiors look good by backing them up. The energy begins to lighten now, making your friendly nature even more attractive. These are powerful days for interviews and finding a new job. Be conservative in your estimate of how much you can reasonably do


career pisces monthly

Star 9/10

Pay attention to the days around July 9, when a group project comes to a successful end. Theres a good chance youll be named most valuable player. Your colleagues appreciate your ability to listen to all points of view and propose imaginative solutions to problems. Your flexible approach cultivated a harmonious atmosphere that produced great work. On July 23, youll be given a glamorous work assignment that appeals to your creative side. Youll be compelled to work harder than ever before to meet a high standard. That wont bother you at all. Youll enjoy the challenge of this stimulating work.



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